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February 13, 2025
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Note: Mantis Bible Company does not produce any printed material.  All our products are available exclusively in digital format, to be downloaded instantly to your mobile device

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New International Version
Screen showing NIV text, translation note, cross references, in-line verse preview, and red lettering.
New International Version
Price $19.99
Item code NIV
Publisher Zondervan
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NIV - New International Version

This deluxe version of the NIV Bible includes:

  • Complete New International Version text of the Old and New Testaments
  • Over 55,000 text notes and cross reference entries (with many containing several individual cross references and parallel passages)
  • Instant-preview cross references -- just tap to view a selected verse, right in-line
  • Section headings
  • Paragraph breaks

(NOTE: This is NOT the NIV Study Bible.  It does not contain NIV commentary, only the NIV text and NIV notes.)

NIV Overview

More than 100 scholars from six English-speaking countries, as well as editors and English stylists, worked on the NIV. The scholars represented more than 20 denominations.

In the 17th century, King James translators worked from the Erasmus Greek text of the New Testament. Erasmus had six Greek manuscripts from which to work. NIV translators work from more than 5,000 complete or partial manuscripts and papyri.

It took 10 years to complete the NIV translation. The process started in 1968 and finished in 1978. This does not include more than 10 years of planning before 1968.

The system for editing each book is one of the distinctive features of the NIV. The procedure was as follows:

  1. Initial Translation Team
  2. Intermediate Editorial Committee
  3. General Editorial Committee
  4. Stylist and Critics
  5. Executive Committee (or Committee on Bible Translation)
  6. Final Stylistic Review
  7. Executive Committee's Final Reading

The NIV was created and is maintained with the mandate to accurately and faithfully translate the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic biblical texts into clearly understandable English.

The NIV is the most widely accepted contemporary Bible translation today. More people buy the NIV Bible than any other English-language translation.

Welcome to the Mantis Bible Store

How to install new Bibles and other reference works in the Mantis Bible Study iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad software:

  1. When you check out, you'll set up a MantisBible.com Username.  Remember this user name, because you'll need to enter it on your device (iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad.)  You only need to do this once.
  2. Tap the Mantis Bible Study icon on your iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad. (Don't have a "Mantis Bible Study icon yet?  Tap the App Store icon, search for Mantis Bible Study, find the free version, then tap FREE, then Install.)
  3. Tap Tools, Options, Username from the main (Bible reader) screen.
  4. Tap Username and then enter your user name.
  5. Tap Password and then enter your password.
  6. Tap Done at the top of the screen.

Now, any newly purchased Bibles will show up automatically, where you can tap and install them at any time. 

  1. Tap the Mantis Bible Study icon on  your iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad.
  2. Tap "Read" at the bottom left to make sure you're at the main Bible reader screen.
  3. Tap the button in the top left (i.e. KJV).
  4. This is the "Bookshelf" screen.  By default, the list of Bibles shows up.  Tap at the bottom to view Commentaries, Media, Dictionaries, and other Books.
  5. Items you've purchased will show up red.  Just tap them to begin downloading.
  6. If an item you've purchased does not show up in the list, you may need to update your list of titles.  To do this, just tap "Check for Updates" then tap "Get Updates".  This will "freshen" the list of titles.

It can take from a few seconds to several minutes to download each title, depending the size of the title and the speed of your network connection.  A Wifi connection is highly recommended for downloading.

Each Bible translation or other reference work you purchase is licensed for use only on a single device (iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad.)   An exception is made if you personally own two or more devices, such as an iPhone and an iPod Touch and an iPad.  In this case you may enter your user name on multiple devices (up to 4).

If you change to a different device (because you receive a replacement phone or you upgrade to a new phone, for example) you can enter your user name on the new device, run "Check for Updates", and download all your purchases to the new device.  If you have any problems, please contact our support department here and we can reset your user name for you.